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How to Not Sound Salesy...and still Build Sales

marketing Nov 12, 2019

Without sales, your business will fail. But most people don't want to seem pushy or salesy. Let's talk about how to not sound salesy so you can have more confidence while you're selling. 

So many people are terrified of getting into business because they think they suck at sales or because they fear being salesy, spammy, and slimy. So let's talk about how to build more sales without feeling so salesy.

And I have an assignment for you that will help you to sell more without feeling so slimy. So stay to the end so you know exactly what to do.

My name is Amanda Bentow from and if you are building a personal brand online, consider subscribing and definitely go to the link below this video and grab my Guide to an Unstoppable Brand. It will give you a roadmap to building your brand online.

3 Questions to Help You Not Sound Salesy

If you want to sell more without feeling so salesy and slimy, then there are three questions that you must uncover in a conversation with your prospect. So get on the phone, zoom, or messenger and have a conversation around these three critical questions.

First, you have to discover what it is that they want. They will tell you what they're looking for and you have to decide can you deliver the goal that they're looking for? But they feed that information right to you so you know exactly what it is that they want, and you can tailor your products, services, or recommendations based on exactly what they want.

Number two is why do they want it? This helps you uncover their internal motivation. What's driving them? What's the purpose for why they're looking for this thing?

And number three, and this is the one that is the most often overlooked. Why do they not have it yet? This gives you insight into what they're struggling with, what their problems are, what the roadblocks are, what have they tried in the past that just hasn't worked and why has it not worked? And my friends, when you can uncover the problems that they're having and why it is that they can't get to whatever it is that they want, now you know exactly where you need to work. Now you know how you can capture their attention and you can help them overcome that problem. Now, once we've uncovered the answers to those three critical questions, we just need a transition statement to tie this all together.

So let's use an example in health and fitness. Let's say you are a health and fitness coach and you're talking to a mom and you find out that she wants to lose about 20 pounds and the reason she wants to lose those 20 pounds so she can keep up with her kids. The problem is that she just hasn't been consistent. Life happens. There are too many barriers. You've uncovered a lot of really valuable information and now we just need to put it into a transition statement to help you get to the sale.

You could say something like, "so if you could meet with a coach every week who would help you get through some of those barriers and keep you accountable so that you can lose the 20 pounds and really enjoy being able to keep up with your kids. Do you think that's something that would help you?"

That transition statement just lays out all of the things with crystal clear clarity about what it is that they're after and why they're struggling, and then you put it back in their court. What is something that would help you? Now you've presented yourself as the guide who can help them get what they want. And we're all much more excited to buy from someone who's just going to help us... where we get to make the decision, but we have someone who's going to help us, than we are about someone who's just pushing and slamming products and services and ideas down our throat.

The biggest hang up that people often have is feeling insecure about whether they can actually provide whatever it is that that client wants. Well, that's all about building confidence and that my friends is a topic for another day.

Take Action Assignment

For now, just practice having conversations that help you to uncover those critical questions.

That's it for today. So don't forget to subscribe and then leave a comment or question below so that I know what other questions you have and how I can help you in future videos.

And remember, your dream is worth fighting for.


Watch Next: How to Find My Niche

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When it comes to talking about their businesses, many people are so close to their products or services they don't know where to start. People who market their brand the right way build more income and have more influence. Join the Marketing Mastery Club now to learn more about how you can capture attention and sell more of your products and services online.


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