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Online Course Creation 2019

business marketing Sep 30, 2019

Have you ever thought about creating an online course? Well, if you are a speaker, author, coach, consultant, or any type of entrepreneur with any expertise at all, you probably have. But if the thought stops at, how do I do that? Then tune in because we're talking about how simple it can be to create an online course.

Why Create an Online Course?

Listen Up. The smart people tell us that by 2025 the e-learning industry is estimated to be at $325 billion. That's with a B. And if you want a piece of that big old pie, there is no better time than now to learn about online courses. So grab a pen and paper because I'm giving you six steps to creating your online course.

Choose a Course Topic.

Number one, choose a topic where you already have expertise, whether that's in baking, a pie, training, a horse, potty training a kid or mergers and acquisitions, there is a good chance that there are people out there who are looking for the information that you provide Numero dos. Check to make sure there's a market for this.

So here's a great way to find out if other people have already done the heavy lifting for you. Go to and search for any courses related to the topic that you're interested in. It will show you the price and it will show you the number of people who've taken that course. Multiply those two numbers together and if you are happy with having that level of income in your business, someone else has already proven that it works. So now you have an industry that you've verified and a topic that you love and know all about. Let's talk about step number three.

Test Your Online Course Idea

Step three is optional, but highly recommended. The Gurus would call this a Beta test, but you're going to tell your audience that this is an exclusive opportunity to work with you the first time ever in creating this course and keep it as simple as possible, but you are going to reach out to your audience.

Now, your audience could be the people on your email list. If you don't have one, it's the people in your social media network. It's your friends and family. It's the people you can get on the phone and call and talk to and say, How can I help you solve this problem? And those people are gonna all come together either over a live zoom video conference or you could do it through a closed Facebook group and do a live broadcast in there. And you're going to teach all about your topic and you're going to invite your students to ask questions and to evaluate the content and you're going to dig deep to help them solve their problems. Through that experience, you're going to keep track of what are the problems that they're struggling with. How is that making them feel? What questions do they have about the content that you're teaching? ...Because you're using all of that information to build your online course. Pretty Brilliant, Huh?

Record Your Course Content

Step number four, record your content. You are going to create videos, my friend. Now, I have lots of information about how to create really great videos. It's all in the Marketing Mastery Club. We don't have time to go into that today. So here's what I want you to know about video. It's really important for helping you to build a relationship with your audience. Your customers will learn better when they can see your eyes and you can get your face on camera. However, if you refuse and you decide you don't want to do that, there are other ways to do it. You can create a PowerPoint presentation and use something like quick time to record your voice as you walk through the PowerPoint presentation, but I'm still gonna recommend that you get your face on camera even if you think you got a face for radio. Because trust me, you'll make a better connection with your students.

Add Worksheets to Your Course

Number five, consider any downloadable worksheets or materials that you want to provide in addition to your videos. It'll help people apply the stuff that they're learning and it's all huge value add as people are able to implement, implement, implement on the stuff you're teaching, great resource for being able to create professional looking downloads that you can do in a snap.

Choose Your Online Course Software

And number six is to put all of your content inside an e-learning platform. My favorite is Kajabi because it takes away the need for putting together all the millions of other little things that you don't even know you need right now. It's everything from your entire website, your landing pages, your sales pages, your automated email campaigns, the video hosting, stuff like who knew you needed that, the login thing-a-ma-jig so that your students can all create their own login and a payment gateway.

Are you kidding me? You don't need any other services or platforms. You can just work with Kajabi. I've included a link that gives you a free trial to 28 days of Kajabi for free so you can get started without investing a thing, but please, please, please, if you sign up with my link, send me a message and let me know so I can help you get up and running.

FREE Stuff

Now, if you are thinking about building an online course, then there's a good chance that you also need my free guide to build an unstoppable brand so that you can still have a life and a business at the same time. So download a free copy of that so you can stop spinning your wheels and wasting your time with marketing that doesn't work. And instead build an incredible brand that will take you miles.

And if you enjoyed this video and you want more like it, then be sure to hit the like button and leave a comment or a question so that I know what kind of content will help to better serve you next time. And don't forget to hit the subscribe button, ring that little bell so that you can be notified the next time a new video comes out. 


And until next time, remember your dream is worth fighting for.

As you're building your small business online, there are some things you need to know, and I have some tips for you at this video. So go check that out and I'll see you over there. Adios.

 Watch next: Marketing for Small Businesses 2019


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